From Athens my seven traveling companions and I took the train up to the city of Larissa, where we attended a wedding and christening. It was a two-for-one; my cousin got married and her 6-month old baby boy got christened all in one two-hour ceremony.

The countryside, from the train
Larissa was a great little town, with much of its charm coming from the fact that no one there spoke English and we had to use the small amount of Greek that we had already picked up (most of our vocab had to to with food, so we got by).

Here's my little cousin, Dimitri. He's just about the cutest little guy you've ever seen, so happy all of the time. Except when he was covered in olive oil and being dunked in water. Not so happy then.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the wedding. Why, you ask? Because at that point I was already so fed up with people in my traveling party taking photos of
every single second of the vacation, that I rebelled. Poor timing on my part. But don't worry, I picked the camera back up soon after that, and there will be more photos to come.

The church where it all happened, the night before.