That crisp is in the air again, it's my favorite time of the year! But before we can address any fall-type things, let's do a quick recap. The last time I posted I was working with UC Green to raise funds for their fall planting. Many thanks to everyone who helped us reach our goal, we raised more than our $4K target and UC Green will have plenty of funds for their fall planting. I was also starting my brand new job at Philadelphia Parks & Recreation where I've now been working for almost 6 months! It's a wonderful learning experience and I love the work and my coworkers. What more could a girl ask for?
In the intervening months a lot of other things happened . . .
. . . M and I got married!!!! . . .

(wedding pictures are by Tiffany Atlas, Atlas Wedding Photography)

. . . We went on a wonderful honeymoon to Maine . . .

. . . I spent the 4th of July at my friend Alex's family place on a lake near Ithaca, NY . . .

. . . Alex, Katie and I joined my mom and Emmy for another Berryfest weekend . . .

. . . plus two new cousins were born (baby knitting project posts to come), M and I joined his family for a lake vacation in Maryland, and we went to my annual family reunion at the Delaware River.
A very full summer indeed. I'm finding it difficult to balance my full time job and my outside-of-work life, so the blog and my reading of other blogs has completely fallen by the wayside. But I hope to pick it up again, especially since this cool weather makes it easier to spend time sitting at my desk at the computer (which was unbearable during the summer months in our un-air-conditioned home). My posts will certainly be less frequent than in the past, but I promise to check back periodically and I hope to start reading all of your blogs again soon!
I'm glad to be back!
In the intervening months a lot of other things happened . . .
. . . M and I got married!!!! . . .
(wedding pictures are by Tiffany Atlas, Atlas Wedding Photography)
. . . We went on a wonderful honeymoon to Maine . . .
. . . I spent the 4th of July at my friend Alex's family place on a lake near Ithaca, NY . . .
. . . Alex, Katie and I joined my mom and Emmy for another Berryfest weekend . . .
. . . plus two new cousins were born (baby knitting project posts to come), M and I joined his family for a lake vacation in Maryland, and we went to my annual family reunion at the Delaware River.
A very full summer indeed. I'm finding it difficult to balance my full time job and my outside-of-work life, so the blog and my reading of other blogs has completely fallen by the wayside. But I hope to pick it up again, especially since this cool weather makes it easier to spend time sitting at my desk at the computer (which was unbearable during the summer months in our un-air-conditioned home). My posts will certainly be less frequent than in the past, but I promise to check back periodically and I hope to start reading all of your blogs again soon!
I'm glad to be back!