Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm back!

After several weeks of searching for the right set-up at the right cost (as low as possible), I now have a laptop with a broken screen, hooked up to an old apple desktop display, connected by the rarest and most expensive computer adapter cord in the history of mankind. I managed to source all of these things on craigslist, so the whole thing cost me about $100.

We also moved M's music studio equipment out of our bedroom and into his new studio (aka the basement) so now I have a workspace that is all MINE, MINE I TELL YOU, MWAHAHAHAHAH! Ahem. It may not look like much, but I get a little excited about it.

So now, back your the regularly scheduled posts.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

wow, I'm realizing how behind I am on blog reading! This IS something to be excited about! Congrats on the workspace! Next time we move, I really want to scheme up my own whole studio---for now, I've got my desk in our living room, and it is pretty sweet too!