Sunday, June 27, 2010

Garden Update - St. Bernard Community Garden

The cool weather crops are taking their last stand and the warm weather crops are coming on strong. At the St. Bernard Community Garden we've got red and yellow onions, broccoli, kale, swiss chard and cabbage, along with tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. And a zinnia border is popping up at the south end of the plot - I can't wait for vases full of zinnias on my table!

But these pictures were taken about a week ago, before the crazy storm we had on Thursday. It only lasted for about half an hour, but it did a lot of damage to the vegetation in the city. 75 mile per hour winds and marble-sized hail will do that. The leaves of my veggies are all tattered and broken, but hopefully they will perk up again soon and start producing. And I've already harvested a cucumber from one of my vines, so I have hope!

At The Woodlands Community Garden the potatoes are doing their thing, and there are more tomatoes and peppers growing. There are also sunflowers and eggplants, and I planted some winter squash and melon seeds which have already sprouted.

Happy Gardening everyone!

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