Friday, March 2, 2007

Fruit and Puppies

It's been a crazy week. The quarter is winding down (only three weeks left until break and I get to see M!) but I still had a midterm yesterday. I don't know why they can call it a midterm when it's given over 2/3s of the way through the quarter, but there you go. I think I did okay, although I was really not inspired to study for it beforehand, which is a hard thing to overcome. The fear of getting a bad grade was not enough to light the fire under my butt required to make me study. Ah well.

In other news, I picked up some kiwis on Wed. to put in the fruit salad I made for my shift at the Craft Center. I work a night shift and we do a potluck for dinner; this week's theme was "Breakfast for Dinner" and I brought the fruit salad. Nicole, a fellow volunteer, brought homemade wheat flour batter and her waffle maker. It was just heaven. Everyone who walked in commented on the wonderful waffle smell.

I also picked up a grapefruit so I could try this amazing candied grapefruit recipe that Carlene sent. I ended up grating the last grapefruit rind I had into the breading for some chicken I made last week, though it was a bit too tart and I had to cut it with a bit of grated orange rind.

Spring is definitely in the air here. Winter is supposed to be the rainy season, but it was fairly dry. Now that spring is around the corner the rain is coming in torrents; it's like I'm back in NJ, except for the lack of snow. This morning I allowed myself to sleep late (until 8 am, gasp!) and then I spent a little while with Marshall in the yard.

We played with the tennis ball, which is hilariously too large for his little mouth. The kids at the elementary school on the other side of the fence all know the puppy by name and they kept running by the fence during recess saying "Hey Marshall!" One kid even shouted out "Your dog is awesome!" That kid doesn't know about the peeing on the carpet and the slipper stealing and barking. But other than those things,I have to admit that this puppy is pretty awesome. He's adorable and he really has a mind of his own. He's learning quickly now too: This morning I said to him, "Marshall, where's your ball?" and we went to look for it together. When it came into view he ran up to it and grabbed it as though he knew that that's what we were looking for. Amazing. And he's only six months old. Alright, maybe that's a bad example, but he's a good dog and I like to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Tomorrow is G's birthday (my housemate) and we're going to San Francisco for this huge scavenger hunt that is held every year. We're in the novice division, but the clues are going to be hard anyway. We don't have high hopes about winning or anything, we're just going for the experience. It's being held during the Chinese New Year Parade and we had to come up with a team name that incorporated the word "boar" in honor of it being the year of the boar. G came up with "Boar is Not the Answer" and she's making us tee-shirts tonight. I'm really excited, and hopefully I'll take some good photos of the city to share with you guys. Have a great weekend!


Cornflower said...

Marshall is great!
Our dogs aren't allowed up on the furniture, but yesterday when one of the children was having a bad day and feeling pretty low, Mollie, our younger dog, just jumped straight up and snuggled in for some very effective pet therapy. They sense so much and are wonderful companions.

Anonymous said...

hi I just discovered your blog tonight when visiting, again and again , Lene in Finland...I think I,ll come back here from time to time...Sorry I don't have a blog to give you invitation...
Like very much your style and spirit...

Linda said...

your dog is THE cutest!

that grapefruit is soo yellow.